Below please find answers to common questions regarding Smoke in the Valley
At Smoke in the Valley Everyone is a VIP with the longest running Pour in the State! Come Sample Beer Like no where else from over 60+ Breweries from your favorites to seasonal hits there is something for everyone!
Performace set times are posted on the #music tab...
While there is no camping at Smoke in the Valley there are partner hotels in the area offering discounted room rates for the Festival, email media@smokeinthevalley.com for more info!
There's plenty of Free Parking on site at our new location at Bad Sons Beer Co. in Derby!
We do not offer locked service on site, you will be responsible for all of your belongings while at the festival.
ATM's are available on site for use if needed.
Tickets are available on site by clicking the #tickets link above. Tickets will also be available at Bad Sons Beer Co. in Derby.
While tickets will be available on site they wont be for long. SITV has sold out the past few years so if you are planning on attending you should by your tickets in advance by clicking the #tickets link above. GA Ticket price at gate $45.
A wristband will be provided after proof of ID showing you are 21+. Without a wristband you will be unable to be a part of the pour on Saturday.
There are 2 main points of entry for SITV events. Information regarding entry will be posted closer to event. Secrutity and local police will be onsite monitoring the events over the course of the weekend. Should you require any assistance please feel free to also inquire with any of the volunteers you see on site.
Smoke in the Valley is a Rain or Shine event with plenty of large tents to accomodate attendees should inclement weather arise.
Glassware and Outside Alcohol are not permitted at Smoke in the Valley. Animals are not permitted as well however we will allow Service Animals on Site though we do ask you inquire and register such in advance of fest weekend.
No Weapons of any kind are allowed at Smoke in the Valley. Festival staff reserves the right to search an attendees belongings at any time should they suspect that person(s) are carrying prohibited items. Those caught with prohibited items will be escorted from the festival grounds and will not be permitted re-etry.